Dorna brown

EQUESTRIAN: Ever since I can remember, I have loved horses. When I was four, my mother gave me a palomino plastic horse with a flaxen mane and tail. I carried it with me wherever I went. Next, my family gave me a stick horse with a forelock and mane. I galloped, neighed, and trotted for hours on end. It was only when I was in High School that I started riding almost every day with my best friend, Vivian. Her stepmother owned and bred racehorses. Vivian had a quarter horse named Rebel, and she taught me how to ride (kind of). We had no idea what we were doing, and it’s a miracle we weren't injured. Our friend Gigi in the neighborhood had a huge white horse named Babe. We rode Babe, and sometimes Gigi rode double with us. We would gallop and trot through the neighborhoods on the dirt roads just like I had imagined when I was a little girl. I can honestly say those were the best years of my teenage life. Later, when I had my grandchildren (a young grandmother), I took my granddaughter down the street to see the horses at a riding stable. It ignited my passion for horses, and I bought my own. My first horse was a golden palomino with a beautiful flaxen mane (sound familiar?) named Dreamer. I have owned many horses since then, including a Morgan, Missouri Fox Trotter, a Quarter Horse, and a Fjord. I own Zephyr, a Tennessee Walking Horse, my forever boy. I have owned him for ten years; he is now retired at 26 years old this year. I also own a Rocky Mountain 9-year-old Mare, and she’s incredible. Zephyr inspired my logo, and I used a picture I took of him. I wanted to memorialize him, so I asked a graphic designer to make it into my logo, and my brand was born! I began photographing horses 13 years ago when I boarded my first horse. The people at the ranch treasured their photos. My passion for equine photography started there and grew stronger every year. I am very calm and relaxed with horses; I work well with them because I understand them. I studied privately with a photographer instructor for a long time; I’ve taken many online classes and attended workshops. I have a deep passion for equine photography and a solid devotion to capturing their personalities, beauty, and incredible strength. I think they are God’s most magnificent creations. CHILDREN Another passion that I have is photographing children. Children are full of wonder and curiosity, and I enjoy capturing them in special moments. I make an adventure out of our sessions to take candid shots. Have you ever asked a child to smile or say cheese for the camera? What happens? A silly fake smile, right? LOL. I avoid those at all costs! I want their joy, laughter, and curiosity to be all-natural. Those are the moments their parents will treasure for a lifetime. TEEN AND ADULT PORTRAITS Very few people like having their pictures taken; I happen to be one of them, even though I’m a photographer. I have never liked being told to smile as it is never natural and always forced. I strive to make my clients feel comfortable and confident during their sessions. I enjoy helping my clients prepare for the session and making the day special. There is typically much laughter and fun on our day together. PETS: Animals and photography have always gone hand in hand. Through my lens and imagination, pictures capture their personality, funny and sweet moments, and layouts. If you are here, you share a love for animals and an interest in capturing beautiful images. You can catch your passion for your beloved dog or cat with timeless photos blended with high-end art. I thrive behind the camera. It's where I live, and it's also what fuels my life. I do everything I can to get your pictures to you quickly! My sessions are always laid back yet professional, and I'm also ultra-efficient regarding business.
Adventures in Photography by Dorna Brown
Simi Valley, California, United States 93065Selected Images

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